關於傑順 About Jyesoon / Rongsoon


成立於民國86年間(西元1997年),是由一群具有二三十年報關專業知識人員所組成,本著服務業的精神-誠信、熱忱、積極、快速、準確、關心的心情,及提昇報關服務品質之理念,而結合成立了傑順報關(股)公司。 為因應客戶日趨多元化之需求,並為配合政府推動貨物通關全面自動化之政策,我們全力投入規劃北-中-南三地報關策略聯盟,並全面更新軟、硬體設備,加強員工教育訓練,以提昇服務品質及工作效益。

民國90年間本公司更引進全國首創之 “電子商務整合系統--e網打盡”,即本公司可直接在台北將客戶e-mail之資料檔與海關資料庫串聯,達成全面化連線通關,大大地提昇通關效率及資料之零錯誤率,再搭配EDI稅費線上扣繳,使客戶獲得更快速,安全的通關服務。


Jyesoon Custom Brokers Co., Ltd. was found in 1997, was established by the hands of highly experienced team in the Custom Clearance field.

We started out with visions to provide exceptional customer vales with enthusiasm, fast, caring and accurate for our services. The visions have helped us evolve and expand our business, though for 23 years. Our major office is located in Taipei. There are other offices located in the major port in Taiwan. Our concept is to ensure that our customers enjoy the best quality of service experience everywhere and every time.

Evolving each day to meet the dynamic needs of this Service, and cooperate with government's policy- promoting the full automation of cargo clearance. We have successfully networked ourselves through North-Central-South of Taiwan of customs declarations in order to offer quality solutions for even the most complex service demands.

We do customs clearance at all ports of entry into the Taiwan. We clear our client’s cargo at all ocean ports and airports in the country. We will track and coordinate all phases of the customs clearance process. These customs brokerage services provide the best experience for our client to enjoy the highly quality of service. Our clients including many of stock listed companies in Taiwan and also some well-known global companies.

We are also upgrading our e-commerce network system that can directly link to the customs’ database through email to achieve comprehensive online customs clearance. We believe in investing in technology that adds greatly improved the efficiency of customs clearance and decrease the rate of mistake. So our clients get faster and safer customs clearance services.


  • 願景: 永續經營發展,致力成為報關產業服務之專業指標。

  • 目標: 顧客導向,服務至上,提供效率及專業服務。

  • 經營理念: 誠信、迅速、服務、確實、永續、安全, 提供最完膳的進出口報關專業服務。


  • 國貿局頒發認證傑順報關採用最新電子e化整合系統,為報關行產業專業指標。

  • 海關連續十年以上評鑑第一類績優海運報關行

  • 多達兩千多家客戶,其中包含大型進出口上市上櫃等績優客戶群一致服務認證。

我們客戶 Our Customers


為國際知名汽車零配件公司,全球員工萬名, 業務擴展全球千個據點. 公司以汽車零配件售後,回收,翻新和再製造產品做為進出口銷售, 成為大型貿易供應商和製造商.


為歷史悠久國際知名食品業者龍頭之一, 廣為以休閒零食品銷售為主.


多家日本知名零售業/生活家居公司, 多以高質量多樣化平價銷售零售商品為主.


多家國內大型上市上櫃紡織業公司, 專營功能性與機能性成衣之生產與製作, 為多家知名運動品牌服Nike、Lululemon、UNDER ARMOUR等指定供應商.

